Emergent Mind


Relating the specification of the global communication behavior of a distributed system and the specifications of the local communication behavior of each of its nodes/peers (e.g., to check if the former is realizable by the latter under some safety and/or liveness conditions) is a challenging problem addressed in many relevant scenarios. In the context of networked software services, a widespread programming language-based approach relies on global specifications defined by session types or behavioral contracts. Static type checking can then be used to ensure that components follow the prescribed interaction protocols. In the case of session types, developments have been mostly framed within quite different type theories for either binary (two-party) or multiparty (n-party) protocols. Unfortunately, the precise relationship between analysis techniques for multiparty and binary protocols is yet to be understood. In this work, we bridge this previously open gap in a principled way: we show that the analysis of multiparty protocols can also be developed within a much simpler type theory for binary protocols, ensuring protocol fidelity and deadlock-freedom. We present characterization theorems which provide new insights on the relation between two existing, yet very differently motivated, session type systemsone based on linear logic, the other based on automata theoryand suggest useful type-based verification techniques for multiparty systems relying on reductions to the binary case.

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