Emergent Mind

Rank weight hierarchy of some classes of cyclic codes

Published Jul 15, 2014 in cs.IT and math.IT


We study the rank weight hierarchy, thus in particular the rank metric, of cyclic codes over the finite field $\mathbb F{qm}$, $q$ a prime power, $m \geq 2$. We establish the rank weight hierarchy for $[n,n-1]$ cyclic codes and characterize $[n,k]$ cyclic codes of rank metric 1 when (1) $k=1$, (2) $n$ and $q$ are coprime, and (3) the characteristic $char(\mathbb Fq)$ divides $n$. Finally, for $n$ and $q$ coprime, cyclic codes of minimal $r$-rank are characterized, and a refinement of the Singleton bound for the rank weight is derived.

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