Emergent Mind


Understanding dynamics of evolution in large social networks is an important problem. In this paper, we characterize evolution in large multi-relational social networks. The proliferation of online media such as Twitter, Facebook, Orkut and MMORPGs\footnote{Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Games} have created social networking data at an unprecedented scale. Sony's Everquest 2 is one such example. We used game multi-relational networks to reveal the dynamics of evolution in a multi-relational setting by macroscopic study of the game network. Macroscopic analysis involves fragmenting the network into smaller portions for studying the dynamics within these sub-networks, referred to as communities'. From an evolutionary perspective of multi-relational network analysis, we have made the following contributions. Specifically, we formulated and analyzed various metrics to capture evolutionary properties of networks. We find that co-evolution rates in trust basedcommunities' are approximately $60\%$ higher than the trade based communities'. We also find that the trust and trade connections within thecommunities' reduce as their size increases. Finally, we study the interrelation between the dynamics of trade and trust within communities' and find interesting results about the precursor relationship between the trade and the trust dynamics within thecommunities'.

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