Emergent Mind

Expected degree of finite preferential attachment networks

Published Jun 30, 2014 in cs.SI and nlin.AO


We provide an analytic expression for the quantity described in the title. Namely, we perform a preferential attachment growth process to generate a scale-free network. At each stage we add a new node with $m$ new links. Let $k$ denote the degree of a node, and $N$ the number of nodes in the network. The degree distribution is assumed to converge to a power-law (for $k\geq m$) of the form $k{-\gamma}$ and we obtain an exact implicit relationship for $\gamma$, $m$ and $N$. We verify this with numerical calculations over several orders of magnitude. Although this expression is exact, it provides only an implicit expression for $\gamma(m)$. Nonetheless, we provide a reasonable guess as to the form of this curve and perform curve fitting to estimate the parameters of that curve demonstrating excellent agreement between numerical fit, theory, and simulation.

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