Emergent Mind


A Content Addressable Memory (CAM) is a memory primarily designed for high speed search operation. Parallel search scheme forms the basis of CAM, thus power reduction is the challenge associated with a large amount of parallel active circuits. We are presenting a novel algorithm and architecture described as Selective Match-Line Energizer Content Addressable Memory (SMLE-CAM) which energizes only those MLs (Match-Line) whose first three bits are conditionally matched with corresponding first three search bit using special architecture which comprises of novel XNOR-CAM cell and novel XOR-CAM cell. The rest of the CAM chain is followed by NOR-CAM cell. The 256 X 144 bit SMLE-CAM is implemented in TSMC 90 nm technology and its robustness across PVT variation is verified. The post-layout simulation result shows, it has energy metric of 0.115 fJ/bit/search with search time 361.6 ps, the best reported so far. The maximum operating frequency is 1GHz.

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