Emergent Mind

Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Token Jumping on Planar Graphs

Published Jun 25, 2014 in cs.DM and cs.DS


Suppose that we are given two independent sets $I0$ and $Ir$ of a graph such that $|I0| = |Ir|$, and imagine that a token is placed on each vertex in $I0$. The token jumping problem is to determine whether there exists a sequence of independent sets which transforms $I0$ into $Ir$ so that each independent set in the sequence results from the previous one by moving exactly one token to another vertex. This problem is known to be PSPACE-complete even for planar graphs of maximum degree three, and W[1]-hard for general graphs when parameterized by the number of tokens. In this paper, we present a fixed-parameter algorithm for the token jumping problem on planar graphs, where the parameter is only the number of tokens. Furthermore, the algorithm can be modified so that it finds a shortest sequence for a yes-instance. The same scheme of the algorithms can be applied to a wider class of graphs, $K{3,t}$-free graphs for any fixed integer $t \ge 3$, and it yields fixed-parameter algorithms.

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