Emergent Mind

Achieving 100,000,000 database inserts per second using Accumulo and D4M

Published Jun 19, 2014 in cs.DB , astro-ph.IM , cs.CE , cs.DC , and cs.MS


The Apache Accumulo database is an open source relaxed consistency database that is widely used for government applications. Accumulo is designed to deliver high performance on unstructured data such as graphs of network data. This paper tests the performance of Accumulo using data from the Graph500 benchmark. The Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) software is used to implement the benchmark on a 216-node cluster running the MIT SuperCloud software stack. A peak performance of over 100,000,000 database inserts per second was achieved which is 100x larger than the highest previously published value for any other database. The performance scales linearly with the number of ingest clients, number of database servers, and data size. The performance was achieved by adapting several supercomputing techniques to this application: distributed arrays, domain decomposition, adaptive load balancing, and single-program-multiple-data programming.

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