Emergent Mind

The number system hidden inside the Boolean satisfiability problem

Published Jun 17, 2014 in cs.CC and math.LO


This paper gives a novel approach to analyze SAT problem more deeply. First, I define new elements of Boolean formula such as dominant variable, decision chain, and chain coupler. Through the analysis of the SAT problem using the elements, I prove that we can construct a k-SAT (k>2) instance where the coefficients of cutting planes take exponentially large values in the input size. This exponential property is caused by the number system formed from the calculation of coefficients. In addition, I show that 2-SAT does not form the number system and Horn-SAT partially forms the number system according to the feasible value of the dominant variable. Whether or not the coefficients of cutting planes in cutting plane proof are polynomially bounded was open problem. Many researchers believed that cutting plane proofs with large coefficients are highly non-intuitive20. However, we can construct a k-SAT (k>2) instance in which cutting planes take exponentially large coefficients by the number system. In addition, this exponential property is so strong that it gives definite answers for several questions: why Horn-SAT has the intermediate property between 2-SAT and 3-SAT; why random-SAT is so easy; and why k-SAT (k>2) cannot be solved with the linear programming technique. As we know, 2-SAT is NL-complete, Horn-SAT is P-complete, and k-SAT (k>2) is NP-complete. In terms of computational complexity, this paper gives a clear mathematical property by which SAT problems in three different classes are distinguished.

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