Emergent Mind

The Parameterized Complexity of k-Biclique

Published Jun 14, 2014 in cs.CC


Given a graph $G$ and a parameter $k$, the $k$-biclique problem asks whether $G$ contains a complete bipartite subgraph $K{k,k}$. This is the most easily stated problem on graphs whose parameterized complexity is still unknown. We provide an fpt-reduction from $k$-clique to $k$-biclique, thus solving this longstanding open problem. Our reduction use a class of bipartite graphs with a threshold property of independent interest. More specifically, for positive integers $n$, $s$ and $t$, we consider a bipartite graph $G=(A\;\dot\cup\;B, E)$ such that $A$ can be partitioned into $A=V1\;\dot\cup \;V2\;\dot\cup\cdots\dot\cup\; Vn$ and for every $s$ distinct indices $i1\cdots is$, there exist $v{i1}\in V{i1}\cdots v{is}\in V{is}$ such that $v{i1}\cdots v{is}$ have at least $t+1$ common neighbors in $B$; on the other hand, every $s+1$ distinct vertices in $A$ have at most $t$ common neighbors in $B$. Using the Paley-type graphs and Weil's character sum theorem, we show that for $t=(s+1)!$ and $n$ large enough, such threshold bipartite graphs can be computed in $n{O(1)}$. One corollary of our reduction is that there is no $f(k)\cdot n{o(k)}$ time algorithm to decide whether a graph contains a subgraph isomorphic to $K_{k!,k!}$ unless the ETH(Exponential Time Hypothesis) fails. We also provide a probabilistic construction with better parameters $t=\Theta(s2)$, which indicates that $k$-biclique has no $f(k)\cdot n{o(\sqrt{k})}$-time algorithm unless 3-SAT with $m$ clauses can be solved in $2{o(m)}$-time with high probability. Our result also implies the dichotomy classification of the parameterized complexity of cardinality constrain satisfaction problem and the inapproximability of maximum $k$-intersection problem.

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