Emergent Mind

Consistent procedures for cluster tree estimation and pruning

Published Jun 5, 2014 in stat.ML


For a density $f$ on ${\mathbb R}d$, a {\it high-density cluster} is any connected component of ${x: f(x) \geq \lambda}$, for some $\lambda > 0$. The set of all high-density clusters forms a hierarchy called the {\it cluster tree} of $f$. We present two procedures for estimating the cluster tree given samples from $f$. The first is a robust variant of the single linkage algorithm for hierarchical clustering. The second is based on the $k$-nearest neighbor graph of the samples. We give finite-sample convergence rates for these algorithms which also imply consistency, and we derive lower bounds on the sample complexity of cluster tree estimation. Finally, we study a tree pruning procedure that guarantees, under milder conditions than usual, to remove clusters that are spurious while recovering those that are salient.

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