Emergent Mind


In this paper, we study a cold-start problem in recommendation systems where we have completely new users entered the systems. There is not any interaction or feedback of the new users with the systems previoustly, thus no ratings are available. Trivial approaches are to select ramdom items or the most popular ones to recommend to the new users. However, these methods perform poorly in many case. In this research, we provide a new look of this cold-start problem in recommendation systems. In fact, we cast this cold-start problem as a contextual-bandit problem. No additional information on new users and new items is needed. We consider all the past ratings of previous users as contextual information to be integrated into the recommendation framework. To solve this type of the cold-start problems, we propose a new efficient method which is based on the LinUCB algorithm for contextual-bandit problems. The experiments were conducted on three different publicly-available data sets, namely Movielens, Netflix and Yahoo!Music. The new proposed methods were also compared with other state-of-the-art techniques. Experiments showed that our new method significantly improves upon all these methods.

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