Emergent Mind

Algorithms for the Constrained Perfect Phylogeny with Persistent Characters

Published May 29, 2014 in cs.DS and q-bio.QM


The perfect phylogeny is one of the most used models in different areas of computational biology. In this paper we consider the problem of the Persistent Perfect Phylogeny (referred as P-PP) recently introduced to extend the perfect phylogeny model allowing persistent characters, that is characters can be gained and lost at most once. We define a natural generalization of the P-PP problem obtained by requiring that for some pairs (character, species), neither the species nor any of its ancestors can have the character. In other words, some characters cannot be persistent for some species. This new problem is called Constrained P-PP (CP-PP). Based on a graph formulation of the CP-PP problem, we are able to provide a polynomial time solution for the CP-PP problem for matrices having an empty conflict-graph. In particular we show that all such matrices admit a persistent perfect phylogeny in the unconstrained case. Using this result, we develop a parameterized algorithm for solving the CP-PP problem where the parameter is the number of characters. A preliminary experimental analysis of the algorithm shows that it performs efficiently and it may analyze real haplotype data not conforming to the classical perfect phylogeny model.

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