Emergent Mind

Approximate resilience, monotonicity, and the complexity of agnostic learning

Published May 21, 2014 in cs.LG , cs.CC , and cs.DM


A function $f$ is $d$-resilient if all its Fourier coefficients of degree at most $d$ are zero, i.e., $f$ is uncorrelated with all low-degree parities. We study the notion of $\mathit{approximate}$ $\mathit{resilience}$ of Boolean functions, where we say that $f$ is $\alpha$-approximately $d$-resilient if $f$ is $\alpha$-close to a $[-1,1]$-valued $d$-resilient function in $\ell1$ distance. We show that approximate resilience essentially characterizes the complexity of agnostic learning of a concept class $C$ over the uniform distribution. Roughly speaking, if all functions in a class $C$ are far from being $d$-resilient then $C$ can be learned agnostically in time $n{O(d)}$ and conversely, if $C$ contains a function close to being $d$-resilient then agnostic learning of $C$ in the statistical query (SQ) framework of Kearns has complexity of at least $n{\Omega(d)}$. This characterization is based on the duality between $\ell1$ approximation by degree-$d$ polynomials and approximate $d$-resilience that we establish. In particular, it implies that $\ell_1$ approximation by low-degree polynomials, known to be sufficient for agnostic learning over product distributions, is in fact necessary. Focusing on monotone Boolean functions, we exhibit the existence of near-optimal $\alpha$-approximately $\widetilde{\Omega}(\alpha\sqrt{n})$-resilient monotone functions for all $\alpha>0$. Prior to our work, it was conceivable even that every monotone function is $\Omega(1)$-far from any $1$-resilient function. Furthermore, we construct simple, explicit monotone functions based on ${\sf Tribes}$ and ${\sf CycleRun}$ that are close to highly resilient functions. Our constructions are based on a fairly general resilience analysis and amplification. These structural results, together with the characterization, imply nearly optimal lower bounds for agnostic learning of monotone juntas.

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