Emergent Mind


A model-based reconstruction technique for accelerated T2 mapping with improved accuracy is proposed using undersampled Cartesian spin-echo MRI data. The technique employs an advanced signal model for T2 relaxation that accounts for contributions from indirect echoes in a train of multiple spin echoes. An iterative solution of the nonlinear inverse reconstruction problem directly estimates spin-density and T2 maps from undersampled raw data. The algorithm is validated for simulated data as well as phantom and human brain MRI at 3 T. The performance of the advanced model is compared to conventional pixel-based fitting of echo-time images from fully sampled data. The proposed method yields more accurate T2 values than the mono-exponential model and allows for undersampling factors of at least 6. Although limitations are observed for very long T2 relaxation times, respective reconstruction problems may be overcome by a gradient dampening approach. The analytical gradient of the utilized cost function is included as Appendix.

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