Emergent Mind

Generalized Slow Roll for Tensors

Published May 8, 2014 in astro-ph.CO


The recent BICEP2 detection of degree scale CMB B-mode polarization, coupled with a deficit of observed power in large angle temperature anisotropy, suggest that the slow-roll parameter $\epsilonH$, the fractional variation in the Hubble rate per efold, is both relatively large and may evolve from an even larger value on scales greater than the horizon at recombination. The relatively large tensor contribution implied also requires finite matching features in the tensor power spectrum for any scalar power spectrum feature proposed to explain anomalies in the temperature data. We extend the generalized slow-roll approach for computing power spectra, appropriate for such models where the slow-roll parameters vary, to tensor features where scalar features are large. This approach also generalizes the tensor-scalar consistency relation to be between the ratio of tensor and scalar sources and features in the two power spectra. Features in the tensor spectrum are generically suppressed by $\epsilonH$ relative those in the scalar spectrum and by the smoothness of the Hubble rate, which must obey covariant conservation of energy, versus its derivatives. Their detection in near future CMB data would indicate a fast roll period of inflation where $\epsilon_H$ approaches order unity, allowed but not required by inflationary explanations of temperature anomalies.

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