Emergent Mind

A matheuristic approach for the Pollution-Routing Problem

Published Apr 18, 2014 in cs.DS


This paper deals with the Pollution-Routing Problem (PRP), a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with environmental considerations, recently introduced in the literature by [Bektas and Laporte (2011), Transport. Res. B-Meth. 45 (8), 1232-1250]. The objective is to minimize operational and environmental costs while respecting capacity constraints and service time windows. Costs are based on driver wages and fuel consumption, which depends on many factors, such as travel distance and vehicle load. The vehicle speeds are considered as decision variables. They complement routing decisions, impacting the total cost, the travel time between locations, and thus the set of feasible routes. We propose a method which combines a local search-based metaheuristic with an integer programming approach over a set covering formulation and a recursive speed-optimization algorithm. This hybridization enables to integrate more tightly route and speed decisions. Moreover, two other "green" VRP variants, the Fuel Consumption VRP (FCVRP) and the Energy Minimizing VRP (EMVRP), are addressed. The proposed method compares very favorably with previous algorithms from the literature and many new improved solutions are reported.

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