Emergent Mind

Lossless Coding of Correlated Sources with Actions

Published Apr 15, 2014 in cs.IT and math.IT


This work studies the problem of distributed compression of correlated sources with an action-dependent joint distribution. This class of problems is, in fact, an extension of the Slepian-Wolf model, but where cost-constrained actions taken by the encoder or the decoder affect the generation of one of the sources. The purpose of this work is to study the implications of actions on the achievable rates. In particular, two cases where transmission occurs over a rate-limited link are studied; case A for actions taken at the decoder and case B where actions are taken at the encoder. A complete single-letter characterization of the set of achievable rates is given in both cases. Furthermore, a network coding setup is investigated for the case where actions are taken at the encoder. The sources are generated at different nodes of the network and are required at a set of terminal nodes, yet transmission occurs over a general, acyclic, directed network. For this setup, generalized cut-set bounds are derived, and a full characterization of the set of achievable rates using single-letter expressions is provided. For this scenario, random linear network coding is proved to be optimal, even though this is not a classical multicast problem. Additionally, two binary examples are investigated and demonstrate how actions taken at different nodes of the system have a significant affect on the achievable rate region in comparison to a naive time-sharing strategy.

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