Emergent Mind

Performance Benefits of DataMPI: A Case Study with BigDataBench

Published Mar 14, 2014 in cs.PF and cs.DC


Apache Hadoop and Spark are gaining prominence in Big Data processing and analytics. Both of them are widely deployed on Internet companies. On the other hand, high-performance data analysis requirements are causing academical and industrial communities to adopt state-of-the-art technologies in HPC to solve Big Data problems. Recently, we have proposed a key-value pair based communication library, DataMPI, which is extending MPI to support Hadoop/Spark-like Big Data Computing jobs. In this paper, we use BigDataBench, a Big Data benchmark suite, to do comprehensive studies on performance and resource utilization characterizations of Hadoop, Spark and DataMPI. From our experiments, we observe that the job execution time of DataMPI has up to 55% and 39% speedups compared with those of Hadoop and Spark, respectively. Most of the benefits come from the high-efficiency communication mechanisms in DataMPI. We also notice that the resource (CPU, memory, disk and network I/O) utilizations of DataMPI are also more efficient than those of the other two frameworks.

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