Emergent Mind

Diversity of Linear Transceivers in MIMO AF Half-duplex Relaying Channels

Published Mar 9, 2014 in cs.IT and math.IT


Linear transceiving schemes between the relay and the destination have recently attracted much interest in MIMO amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying systems due to low implementation complexity. In this paper, we provide comprehensive analysis on the diversity order of the linear zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean squared error (MMSE) transceivers. Firstly, we obtain a compact closed-form expression for the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) through tight upper and lower bounds. While our DMT analysis accurately predicts the performance of the ZF transceivers, it is observed that the MMSE transceivers exhibit a complicated rate dependent behavior, and thus are very unpredictable via DMT for finite rate cases. Secondly, we highlight this interesting behavior of the MMSE transceivers and characterize the diversity order at all finite rates. This leads to a closed-form expression for the diversity-rate tradeoff (DRT) which reveals the relationship between the diversity, the rate, and the number of antennas at each node. Our DRT analysis compliments our previous work on DMT, thereby providing a complete understanding on the diversity order of linear transceiving schemes in MIMO AF relaying channels.

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