Emergent Mind


Cerebellum is part of the brain that occupies only 10% of the brain volume, but it contains about 80% of total number of brain neurons. New cerebellar function model is developed that sets cerebellar circuits in context of multibody dynamics model computations, as important step in controlling balance and movement coordination, functions performed by two oldest parts of the cerebellum. Model gives new functional interpretation for granule cells-Golgi cell circuit, including distinct function for upper and lower Golgi cell dendritc trees, and resolves issue of sharing Granule cells between Purkinje cells. Sets new function for basket cells, and for stellate cells according to position in molecular layer. New model enables easily and direct integration of sensory information from vestibular system and cutaneous mechanoreceptors, for balance, movement and interaction with environments. Model gives explanation of Purkinje cells convergence on deep-cerebellar nuclei.

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