Emergent Mind

Repeat Accumulate Based Designs for LDPC Codes on Fading Channels

Published Feb 24, 2014 in cs.IT and math.IT


Irregular repeat-accumulate Root-Check LDPC codes based on Progressive Edge Growth (PEG) techniques for block-fading channels are proposed. The proposed Root-Check LDPC codes are {both suitable for channels under $F = 2, 3$ independent fadings per codeword and} for fast fading channels. An IRA(A) Root-Check structure is devised for $F = 2, 3$ independent fadings. The performance of the new codes is investigated in terms of the Frame Error Rate (FER). Numerical results show that the IRAA LDPC codes constructed by the proposed algorithm {outperform by about 1dB the existing} IRA Root-Check LDPC codes under fast-fading channels.

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