Emergent Mind

Vertex Cover Reconfiguration and Beyond

Published Feb 20, 2014 in cs.CC and cs.DS


In the Vertex Cover Reconfiguration (VCR) problem, given a graph $G$, positive integers $k$ and $\ell$ and two vertex covers $S$ and $T$ of $G$ of size at most $k$, we determine whether $S$ can be transformed into $T$ by a sequence of at most $\ell$ vertex additions or removals such that every operation results in a vertex cover of size at most $k$. Motivated by results establishing the W[1]-hardness of VCR when parameterized by $\ell$, we delineate the complexity of the problem restricted to various graph classes. In particular, we show that VCR remains W[1]-hard on bipartite graphs, is NP-hard, but fixed-parameter tractable on (regular) graphs of bounded degree and more generally on nowhere dense graphs and is solvable in polynomial time on trees and (with some additional restrictions) on cactus graphs.

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