Emergent Mind

On the Average Performance of Caching and Coded Multicasting with Random Demands

Published Feb 19, 2014 in cs.IT , cs.NI , and math.IT


For a network with one sender, $n$ receivers (users) and $m$ possible messages (files), caching side information at the users allows to satisfy arbitrary simultaneous demands by sending a common (multicast) coded message. In the worst-case demand setting, explicit deterministic and random caching strategies and explicit linear coding schemes have been shown to be order optimal. In this work, we consider the same scenario where the user demands are random i.i.d., according to a Zipf popularity distribution. In this case, we pose the problem in terms of the minimum average number of equivalent message transmissions. We present a novel decentralized random caching placement and a coded delivery scheme which are shown to achieve order-optimal performance. As a matter of fact, this is the first order-optimal result for the caching and coded multicasting problem in the case of random demands.

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