Emergent Mind

Energy-efficient algorithms for non-preemptive speed-scaling

Published Feb 17, 2014 in cs.DS


We improve complexity bounds for energy-efficient speed scheduling problems for both the single processor and multi-processor cases. Energy conservation has become a major concern, so revisiting traditional scheduling problems to take into account the energy consumption has been part of the agenda of the scheduling community for the past few years. We consider the energy minimizing speed scaling problem introduced by Yao et al. where we wish to schedule a set of jobs, each with a release date, deadline and work volume, on a set of identical processors. The processors may change speed as a function of time and the energy they consume is the $\alpha$th power of its speed. The objective is then to find a feasible schedule which minimizes the total energy used. We show that in the setting with an arbitrary number of processors where all work volumes are equal, there is a $2(1+\varepsilon)(5(1+\varepsilon)){\alpha -1}\tilde{B}{\alpha}=O{\alpha}(1)$ approximation algorithm, where $\tilde{B}{\alpha}$ is the generalized Bell number. This is the first constant factor algorithm for this problem. This algorithm extends to general unequal processor-dependent work volumes, up to losing a factor of $(\frac{(1+r)r}{2}){\alpha}$ in the approximation, where $r$ is the maximum ratio between two work volumes. We then show this latter problem is APX-hard, even in the special case when all release dates and deadlines are equal and $r$ is 4. In the single processor case, we introduce a new linear programming formulation of speed scaling and prove that its integrality gap is at most $12{\alpha -1}$. As a corollary, we obtain a $(12(1+\varepsilon)){\alpha -1}$ approximation algorithm where there is a single processor, improving on the previous best bound of $2{\alpha-1}(1+\varepsilon){\alpha}\tilde{B}{\alpha}$ when $\alpha \ge 25$.

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