Emergent Mind

Genomic Prediction of Quantitative Traits using Sparse and Locally Epistatic Models

Published Feb 10, 2014 in stat.AP and stat.ML


In plant and animal breeding studies a distinction is made between the genetic value (additive + epistatic genetic effects) and the breeding value (additive genetic effects) of an individual since it is expected that some of the epistatic genetic effects will be lost due to recombination. In this paper, we argue that the breeder can take advantage of some of the epistatic marker effects in regions of low recombination. The models introduced here aim to estimate local epistatic line heritability by using the genetic map information and combine the local additive and epistatic effects. To this end, we have used semi-parametric mixed models with multiple local genomic relationship matrices with hierarchical designs and lasso post-processing for sparsity in the final model. Our models produce good predictive performance along with good explanatory information.

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