Emergent Mind

Uncertainty Propagation in Elasto-Plastic Material

Published Feb 6, 2014 in cs.CE


Macroscopically heterogeneous materials, characterised mostly by comparable heterogeneity lengthscale and structural sizes, can no longer be modelled by deterministic approach instead. It is convenient to introduce stochastic approach with uncertain material parameters quantified as random fields and/or random variables. The present contribution is devoted to propagation of these uncertainties in mechanical modelling of inelastic behaviour. In such case the Monte Carlo method is the traditional approach for solving the proposed problem. Nevertheless, convergence rate is relatively slow, thus new methods (e.g. stochastic Galerkin method, stochastic collocation approach, etc.) have been recently developed to offer fast convergence for sufficiently smooth solution in the probability space. Our goal is to accelerate the uncertainty propagation using a polynomial chaos expansion based on stochastic collocation method. The whole concept is demonstrated on a simple numerical example of uniaxial test at a material point where interesting phenomena can be clearly understood.

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