Emergent Mind

A Faster Parameterized Algorithm for Treedepth

Published Jan 29, 2014 in cs.DS and cs.DM


The width measure \emph{treedepth}, also known as vertex ranking, centered coloring and elimination tree height, is a well-established notion which has recently seen a resurgence of interest. We present an algorithm whichgiven as input an $n$-vertex graph, a tree decomposition of the graph of width $w$, and an integer $t$decides Treedepth, i.e. whether the treedepth of the graph is at most $t$, in time $2{O(wt)} \cdot n$. If necessary, a witness structure for the treedepth can be constructed in the same running time. In conjunction with previous results we provide a simple algorithm and a fast algorithm which decide treedepth in time $2{2{O(t)}} \cdot n$ and $2{O(t2)} \cdot n$, respectively, which do not require a tree decomposition as part of their input. The former answers an open question posed by Ossona de Mendez and Nesetril as to whether deciding Treedepth admits an algorithm with a linear running time (for every fixed $t$) that does not rely on Courcelle's Theorem or other heavy machinery. For chordal graphs we can prove a running time of $2{O(t \log t)}\cdot n$ for the same algorithm.

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