Emergent Mind

A Brief Review on Models for Performance Evaluation in DSS Architecture

Published Jan 23, 2014 in cs.PF and cs.SE


Distributed Software Systems are used these days by many people in the real time operations and modern enterprise applications. One of the most important and essential attributes of measurements for the quality of service of distributed software is performance. Performance models can be employed at early stages of the software development cycle to characterize the quantitative behavior of software systems. In this research, performance models based on fuzzy logic approach, queuing network approach and Petri net approach have been reviewed briefly. One of the most common ways in performance analysis of distributed software systems is translating the UML diagrams to mathematical modeling languages for the description of distributed systems such as queuing networks or Petri nets. In this paper, some of these approaches are reviewed briefly. Attributes which are used for performance modeling in the literature are mostly machine based. On the other hand, end users and client parameters for performance evaluation are not covered extensively. In this way, future research could be based on developing hybrid models to capture user decision variables which make system performance evaluation more user driven.

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