Emergent Mind

Relations between automata and the simple k-path problem

Published Jan 22, 2014 in cs.DS and cs.FL


Let $G$ be a directed graph on $n$ vertices. Given an integer $k<=n$, the SIMPLE $k$-PATH problem asks whether there exists a simple $k$-path in $G$. In case $G$ is weighted, the MIN-WT SIMPLE $k$-PATH problem asks for a simple $k$-path in $G$ of minimal weight. The fastest currently known deterministic algorithm for MIN-WT SIMPLE $k$-PATH by Fomin, Lokshtanov and Saurabh runs in time $O(2.851k\cdot n{O(1)}\cdot \log W)$ for graphs with integer weights in the range $[-W,W]$. This is also the best currently known deterministic algorithm for SIMPLE k-PATH- where the running time is the same without the $\log W$ factor. We define $Lk(n)\subseteq [n]k$ to be the set of words of length $k$ whose symbols are all distinct. We show that an explicit construction of a non-deterministic automaton (NFA) of size $f(k)\cdot n{O(1)}$ for $Lk(n)$ implies an algorithm of running time $O(f(k)\cdot n{O(1)}\cdot \log W)$ for MIN-WT SIMPLE $k$-PATH when the weights are non-negative or the constructed NFA is acyclic as a directed graph. We show that the algorithm of Kneis et al. and its derandomization by Chen et al. for SIMPLE $k$-PATH can be used to construct an acylic NFA for $Lk(n)$ of size $O*(4{k+o(k)})$. We show, on the other hand, that any NFA for $Lk(n)$ must be size at least $2k$. We thus propose closing this gap and determining the smallest NFA for $L_k(n)$ as an interesting open problem that might lead to faster algorithms for MIN-WT SIMPLE $k$-PATH. We use a relation between SIMPLE $k$-PATH and non-deterministic xor automata (NXA) to give another direction for a deterministic algorithm with running time $O*(2k)$ for SIMPLE $k$-PATH.

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