Emergent Mind

Swar The Voice Operated PC

Published Jan 15, 2014 in cs.HC


Keyboard, although a popular medium, is not very convenient as it requires a certain amount of skill for effective usage. A mouse on the other hand requires a good hand-eye co-ordination. Also current computer interfaces also assume a certain level of literacy from the user. It also expect the user to have certain level of proficiency in English. In our country where the literacy level is as low as 50% in some states, if information technology has to reach the grass root level; these constraints have to be eliminated. As a solution for these, Speech Recognition and hence the concept of Voice operated computer system comes into picture. In this paper we propose a technique to develop a voice recognition system which will be used for controlling computer via speech input from any user i.e. without the use of mouse and / or keyboard. Once developed this system would be of great benefit to physically handicapped people as Instead of scrolling through written procedures on a laptop or handheld computer, they can wear a headset and have their hands and eyes free.

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