Emergent Mind

Removing Dynamic Type Tests with Context-Driven Basic Block Versioning

Published Jan 14, 2014 in cs.PL and cs.PF


Dynamic typing is an important feature of dynamic programming languages. Primitive operators such as those for performing arithmetic and comparisons typically operate on a wide variety of in put value types, and as such, must internally implement some form of dynamic type dispatch and type checking. Removing such type tests is important for an efficient implementation. In this paper, we examine the effectiveness of a novel approach to reducing the number of dynamically executed type tests called context-driven basic block versioning. This simple technique clones and specializes basic blocks in such a way as to allow the compiler to accumulate type information while machine code is generated, without a separate type analysis pass. The accumulated information allows the removal of some redundant type tests, particularly in performance-critical paths. We have implemented intraprocedural context-driven basic block versioning in a JavaScript JIT compiler. For comparison, we have also implemented a classical flow-based type analysis operating on the same concrete types. Our results show that basic block versioning performs better on most benchmarks and removes a large fraction of type tests at the expense of a moderate code size increase. We believe that this technique offers a good tradeoff between implementation complexity and performance, and is suitable for integration in production JIT compilers.

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