Emergent Mind

Dichotomies properties on computational complexity of S-packing coloring problems

Published Dec 18, 2013 in cs.DM , cs.CC , and math.CO


This work establishes the complexity class of several instances of the S-packing coloring problem: for a graph G, a positive integer k and a non decreasing list of integers S = (s_1 , ..., s_k ), G is S-colorable, if its vertices can be partitioned into sets S_i , i = 1,... , k, where each S_i being a s_i -packing (a set of vertices at pairwise distance greater than s_i). For a list of three integers, a dichotomy between NP-complete problems and polynomial time solvable problems is determined for subcubic graphs. Moreover, for an unfixed size of list, the complexity of the S-packing coloring problem is determined for several instances of the problem. These properties are used in order to prove a dichotomy between NP-complete problems and polynomial time solvable problems for lists of at most four integers.

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