Emergent Mind

Mobile Robots in Teaching Programming for IT Engineers and its Effects

Published Dec 10, 2013 in cs.CY and cs.RO


In this paper the new methods and devices introduced into the learning process of programming for IT engineers at our college is described. Based on our previous research results we supposed that project methods and some new devices can reduce programming problems during the first term. These problems are rooted in the difficulties of abstract thinking and they can cause the decrease of programming self-concept and other learning motives. We redesigned the traditional learning environment. As a constructive approach project method was used. Our students worked in groups of two or three; small problems were solved after every lesson. In the problem solving process students use programmable robots (e.g. Surveyor, LEGO NXT and RCX). They had to plan their program, solve some technical problems and test their solution. The usability of mobile robots in the learning process and the short-term efficiency of our teaching method were checked with a control group after a semester (n = 149). We examined the effects on our students' programming skills and on their motives, mainly on their attitudes and programming self-concept. After a two-year-long period we could measure some positive long-term effects.

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