Emergent Mind


Testing of software or software-based systems and services is considered as one of the most effort-consuming activities in the lifecycle. This applies especially to those domains where highly iterative development and continuous integration cannot be applied. Several approaches have been proposed to use measurement as a means to improve test effectiveness and efficiency. Most of them rely on using product data, historical data, or in-process data that is not related to quality assurance ac- tivities. Very few approaches use data from early quality assurance activities such as inspection data in order to focus testing activities and thereby reduce test effort. This article gives an overview of potential benefits of using data from early defect detection activities, potentially in addition to other data, in order to focus testing activities. In addition, the article sketches an integrated inspection and testing process and its evaluation in the context of two case studies. Taking the study limitations into account, the results show an overall reduction of testing effort by up to 34%, which mirrors an efficiency improvement of up to about 50% for testing.

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