Emergent Mind

An NMF solution for the Petri Nets to State Charts case study at the TTC 2013

Published Dec 2, 2013 in cs.SE and cs.PL


Software systems are getting more and more complex. Model-driven engineering (MDE) offers ways to handle such increased complexity by lifting development to a higher level of abstraction. A key part in MDE are transformations that transform any given model into another. These transformations are used to generate all kinds of software artifacts from models. However, there is little consensus about the transformation tools. Thus, the Transformation Tool Contest (TTC) 2013 aims to compare different transformation engines. This is achieved through three different cases that have to be tackled. One of these cases is the Petri Net to State Chart case. A solution has to transform a Petri Net to a State Chart and has to derive a hierarchical structure within the State Chart. This paper presents the solution for this case using NMF Transformations as transformation engine.

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