Emergent Mind

Efficient deterministic approximate counting for low-degree polynomial threshold functions

Published Nov 28, 2013 in cs.CC , cs.DS , and math.PR


We give a deterministic algorithm for approximately counting satisfying assignments of a degree-$d$ polynomial threshold function (PTF). Given a degree-$d$ input polynomial $p(x1,\dots,xn)$ over $Rn$ and a parameter $\epsilon> 0$, our algorithm approximates $\Pr{x \sim {-1,1}n}[p(x) \geq 0]$ to within an additive $\pm \epsilon$ in time $O{d,\epsilon}(1)\cdot \mathop{poly}(nd)$. (Any sort of efficient multiplicative approximation is impossible even for randomized algorithms assuming $NP\not=RP$.) Note that the running time of our algorithm (as a function of $nd$, the number of coefficients of a degree-$d$ PTF) is a \emph{fixed} polynomial. The fastest previous algorithm for this problem (due to Kane), based on constructions of unconditional pseudorandom generators for degree-$d$ PTFs, runs in time $n{O_{d,c}(1) \cdot \epsilon{-c}}$ for all $c > 0$. The key novel contributions of this work are: A new multivariate central limit theorem, proved using tools from Malliavin calculus and Stein's Method. This new CLT shows that any collection of Gaussian polynomials with small eigenvalues must have a joint distribution which is very close to a multidimensional Gaussian distribution. A new decomposition of low-degree multilinear polynomials over Gaussian inputs. Roughly speaking we show that (up to some small error) any such polynomial can be decomposed into a bounded number of multilinear polynomials all of which have extremely small eigenvalues. We use these new ingredients to give a deterministic algorithm for a Gaussian-space version of the approximate counting problem, and then employ standard techniques for working with low-degree PTFs (invariance principles and regularity lemmas) to reduce the original approximate counting problem over the Boolean hypercube to the Gaussian version.

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