Emergent Mind

Multiuser Random Coding Techniques for Mismatched Decoding

Published Nov 26, 2013 in cs.IT and math.IT


This paper studies multiuser random coding techniques for channel coding with a given (possibly suboptimal) decoding rule. For the mismatched discrete memoryless multiple-access channel, an error exponent is obtained that is tight with respect to the ensemble average, and positive within the interior of Lapidoth's achievable rate region. This exponent proves the ensemble tightness of the exponent of Liu and Hughes in the case of maximum-likelihood decoding. An equivalent dual form of Lapidoth's achievable rate region is given, and the latter is shown to extend immediately to channels with infinite and continuous alphabets. In the setting of single-user mismatched decoding, similar analysis techniques are applied to a refined version of superposition coding, which is shown to achieve rates at least as high as standard superposition coding for any set of random-coding parameters.

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