Emergent Mind

Induced Matchings and the Algebraic Stability of Persistence Barcodes

Published Nov 14, 2013 in math.AT , cs.CG , and math.AC


We define a simple, explicit map sending a morphism $f:M \rightarrow N$ of pointwise finite dimensional persistence modules to a matching between the barcodes of $M$ and $N$. Our main result is that, in a precise sense, the quality of this matching is tightly controlled by the lengths of the longest intervals in the barcodes of $\ker f$ and $\mathop{\mathrm{coker}} f$. As an immediate corollary, we obtain a new proof of the algebraic stability of persistence, a fundamental result in the theory of persistent homology. In contrast to previous proofs, ours shows explicitly how a $\delta$-interleaving morphism between two persistence modules induces a $\delta$-matching between the barcodes of the two modules. Our main result also specializes to a structure theorem for submodules and quotients of persistence modules, and yields a novel "single-morphism" characterization of the interleaving relation on persistence modules.

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