Emergent Mind


This technical report gives an overview of our work on control algorithms dealing with redundant robot systems for achieving human-like motion characteristics. Previously, we developed a novel control law to exhibit human-motion characteristics in redundant robot arm systems as well as arm-trunk systems for reaching tasks [1], [2]. This newly developed method nullifies the need for the computation of pseudo-inverse of Jacobian while the formulation and optimization of any artificial performance index is not necessary. The time-varying properties of the muscle stiffness and damping as well as the low-pass filter characteristics of human muscles have been modeled by the proposed control law to generate human-motion characteristics for reaching motion like quasi-straight line trajectory of the end-effector and symmetric bell shaped velocity profile. This report focuses on the experiments performed using a 7-DOF redundant robot-arm system which proved the effectiveness of this algorithm in imitating human-like motion characteristics. In addition, we extended this algorithm to a 19-DOF Hand-Arm System for a reach-to-grasp task. Simulations using the 19-DOF Hand-Arm System show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme for effective human-like hand-arm coordination in reach-to-grasp tasks for pinch and envelope grasps on objects of different shapes such as a box, a cylinder, and a sphere.

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