Emergent Mind

A Dual-Beam Method-of-Images 3D Searchlight BSSRDF

Published Nov 5, 2013 in cs.GR


We present a novel BSSRDF for rendering translucent materials. Angular effects lacking in previous BSSRDF models are incorporated by using a dual-beam formulation. We employ a Placzek's Lemma interpretation of the method of images and discard diffusion theory. Instead, we derive a plane-parallel transformation of the BSSRDF to form the associated BRDF and optimize the image confiurations such that the BRDF is close to the known analytic solutions for the associated albedo problem. This ensures reciprocity, accurate colors, and provides an automatic level-of-detail transition for translucent objects that appear at various distances in an image. Despite optimizing the subsurface fluence in a plane-parallel setting, we find that this also leads to fairly accurate fluence distributions throughout the volume in the original 3D searchlight problem. Our method-of-images modifications can also improve the accuracy of previous BSSRDFs.

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