Emergent Mind

Data-based approximate policy iteration for nonlinear continuous-time optimal control design

Published Nov 2, 2013 in cs.SY , math.OC , and stat.ML


This paper addresses the model-free nonlinear optimal problem with generalized cost functional, and a data-based reinforcement learning technique is developed. It is known that the nonlinear optimal control problem relies on the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation, which is a nonlinear partial differential equation that is generally impossible to be solved analytically. Even worse, most of practical systems are too complicated to establish their accurate mathematical model. To overcome these difficulties, we propose a data-based approximate policy iteration (API) method by using real system data rather than system model. Firstly, a model-free policy iteration algorithm is derived for constrained optimal control problem and its convergence is proved, which can learn the solution of HJB equation and optimal control policy without requiring any knowledge of system mathematical model. The implementation of the algorithm is based on the thought of actor-critic structure, where actor and critic neural networks (NNs) are employed to approximate the control policy and cost function, respectively. To update the weights of actor and critic NNs, a least-square approach is developed based on the method of weighted residuals. The whole data-based API method includes two parts, where the first part is implemented online to collect real system information, and the second part is conducting offline policy iteration to learn the solution of HJB equation and the control policy. Then, the data-based API algorithm is simplified for solving unconstrained optimal control problem of nonlinear and linear systems. Finally, we test the efficiency of the data-based API control design method on a simple nonlinear system, and further apply it to a rotational/translational actuator system. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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