Emergent Mind


Although the research support for Cloud Computing (CC) is still developing, the concept of this paper has provided comprehensive frameworks for a successful migration to cloud computing (SMCC) in telecommunication industry in Iran. Using an academic orientation, the conceptual research is focusing on the determinants of a successful migration from legacy to cloud computing. The study attempts to reveal the constructive effects and deconstructive defects of migration to cloud computing with a close regard into prior literature and practical practices all around the world. Conceptual frameworks are deducted from the literature and Telco's revolutionary movements toward cloud computing. The confirmatory quantitative approach tries to verify or reject the validity of determinants of successful migration. The study reports that there are some success and failure factors which are influencing a successful migration of data centres and servers of Iranian Telecommunication to the cloud. Considering these approved factors before any migration decision would be valuable for engaged project members and finally for Telecommunication organization. This paper can be used as reliable model for any migration beforehand taking any action. Enforcing proper determinants in accordance with the prior success stories and academia viewpoints in Telecommunication industry in Iran as a first mover research in this field provides a precious insight for policy and decision makers to change their mindset and grant a proper space for cloud computing to grow in this industry due to its advantages. Obviously, like any other big Telco in the world, Iranian Telco might start cloud projects to sustain its presence in the global market.

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