Emergent Mind

Counting independent sets in hypergraphs

Published Oct 24, 2013 in math.CO and cs.DM


Let $G$ be a triangle-free graph with $n$ vertices and average degree $t$. We show that $G$ contains at least [ e{(1-n{-1/12})\frac{1}{2}\frac{n}{t}\ln t (\frac{1}{2}\ln t-1)} ] independent sets. This improves a recent result of the first and third authors \cite{countingind}. In particular, it implies that as $n \to \infty$, every triangle-free graph on $n$ vertices has at least $e{(c_1-o(1)) \sqrt{n} \ln n}$ independent sets, where $c1 = \sqrt{\ln 2}/4 = 0.208138..$. Further, we show that for all $n$, there exists a triangle-free graph with $n$ vertices which has at most $e{(c2+o(1))\sqrt{n}\ln n}$ independent sets, where $c2 = 1+\ln 2 = 1.693147..$. This disproves a conjecture from \cite{countingind}. Let $H$ be a $(k+1)$-uniform linear hypergraph with $n$ vertices and average degree $t$. We also show that there exists a constant $ck$ such that the number of independent sets in $H$ is at least [ e{c_{k} \frac{n}{t{1/k}}\ln{1+1/k}{t}}. ] This is tight apart from the constant $c_k$ and generalizes a result of Duke, Lefmann, and R\"odl \cite{uncrowdedrodl}, which guarantees the existence of an independent set of size $\Omega(\frac{n}{t{1/k}} \ln{1/k}t)$. Both of our lower bounds follow from a more general statement, which applies to hereditary properties of hypergraphs.

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