Emergent Mind

On r-equitable chromatic threshold of Kronecker products of complete graphs

Published Oct 8, 2013 in math.CO and cs.DM


A graph $G$ is $r$-equitably $k$-colorable if its vertex set can be partitioned into $k$ independent sets, any two of which differ in size by at most $r$. The $r$-equitable chromatic threshold of a graph $G$, denoted by $\chi{r=}*(G)$, is the minimum $k$ such that $G$ is $r$-equitably $k'$-colorable for all $k'\ge k$. Let $G\times H$ denote the Kronecker product of graphs $G$ and $H$. In this paper, we completely determine the exact value of $\chi{r=}*(K_m\times Kn)$ for general $m,n$ and $r$. As a consequence, we show that for $r\ge 2$, if $n\ge \frac{1}{r-1}(m+r)(m+2r-1)$ then $Km\times Kn$ and its spanning supergraph $K{m(n)}$ have the same $r$-equitable colorability, and in particular $\chi{r=}*(Km\times Kn)=\chi{r=}*(K_{m(n)})$, where $K_{m(n)}$ is the complete $m$-partite graph with $n$ vertices in each part.

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