Emergent Mind

New Conditions for Sparse Phase Retrieval

Published Oct 4, 2013 in cs.IT , math.IT , math.NA , and math.OC


We consider the problem of sparse phase retrieval, where a $k$-sparse signal ${\bf x} \in {\mathbb R}n \textrm{ (or } {\mathbb C}n\textrm{)}$ is measured as ${\bf y} = |{\bf Ax}|,$ where ${\bf A} \in {\mathbb R}{m \times n} \textrm{ (or } {\mathbb C}{m \times n}\textrm{ respectively)}$ is a measurement matrix and $|\cdot|$ is the element-wise absolute value. For a real signal and a real measurement matrix ${\bf A}$, we show that $m = 2k$ measurements are necessary and sufficient to recover ${\bf x}$ uniquely. For complex signal ${\bf x} \in {\mathbb C}n$ and ${\bf A} \in {\mathbb C}{m \times n}$, we show that $m = 4k-2$ phaseless measurements are sufficient to recover ${\bf x}$. It is known that the multiplying constant $4$ in $m = 4k-2$ cannot be improved.

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