Emergent Mind

An Inter-lingual Reference Approach For Multi-Lingual Ontology Matching

Published Sep 25, 2013 in cs.CL and cs.DL


Ontologies are considered as the backbone of the Semantic Web. With the rising success of the Semantic Web, the number of participating communities from different countries is constantly increasing. The growing number of ontologies available in different natural languages leads to an interoperability problem. In this paper, we discuss several approaches for ontology matching; examine similarities and differences, identify weaknesses, and compare the existing automated approaches with the manual approaches for integrating multilingual ontologies. In addition to that, we propose a new architecture for a multilingual ontology matching service. As a case study we used an example of two multilingual enterprise ontologies - the university ontology of Freie Universitaet Berlin and the ontology for Fayoum University in Egypt.

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