Emergent Mind

Adversarial Multiple Access Channels with Individual Injection Rates

Published Sep 25, 2013 in cs.DC and cs.NI


We study deterministic distributed broadcasting in synchronous multiple-access channels. Packets are injected into $n$ nodes by a window-type adversary that is constrained by a window $w$ and injection rates individually assigned to all nodes. We investigate what queue size and packet latency can be achieved with the maximum aggregate injection rate of one packet per round, depending on properties of channels and algorithms. We give a non-adaptive algorithm for channels with collision detection and an adaptive algorithm for channels without collision detection that achieve $O(\min(n+w,w\log n))$ packet latency. We show that packet latency has to be either $\Omega(w \max (1,\log_w n))$, when $w\le n$, or $\Omega(w+n)$, when $w>n$, as a matching lower bound to these algorithms. We develop a non-adaptive algorithm for channels without collision detection that achieves $O(n+w)$ queue size and $O(nw)$ packet latency. This is in contrast with the adversarial model of global injection rates, in which non-adaptive algorithms with bounded packet latency do not exist (Chlebus et al. Distributed Computing 22(2): 93 - 116, 2009). Our algorithm avoids collisions produced by simultaneous transmissions; we show that any algorithm with this property must have $\Omega(nw)$ packet latency.

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