Emergent Mind

Beyond the Shannon's Bound

Published Sep 24, 2013 in cs.DS , cs.DM , and math.CO


Let $G=(V,E)$ be a multigraph of maximum degree $\Delta$. The edges of $G$ can be colored with at most $\frac{3}{2}\Delta$ colors by Shannon's theorem. We study lower bounds on the size of subgraphs of $G$ that can be colored with $\Delta$ colors. Shannon's Theorem gives a bound of $\frac{\Delta}{\lfloor\frac{3}{2}\Delta\rfloor}|E|$. However, for $\Delta=3$, Kami\'{n}ski and Kowalik [SWAT'10] showed that there is a 3-edge-colorable subgraph of size at least $\frac{7}{9}|E|$, unless $G$ has a connected component isomorphic to $K3+e$ (a $K3$ with an arbitrary edge doubled). Here we extend this line of research by showing that $G$ has a $\Delta$-edge colorable subgraph with at least $\frac{\Delta}{\lfloor\frac{3}{2}\Delta\rfloor-1}|E|$ edges, unless $\Delta$ is even and $G$ contains $\frac{\Delta}{2}K3$ or $\Delta$ is odd and $G$ contains $\frac{\Delta-1}{2}K3+e$. Moreover, the subgraph and its coloring can be found in polynomial time. Our results have applications in approximation algorithms for the Maximum $k$-Edge-Colorable Subgraph problem, where given a graph $G$ (without any bound on its maximum degree or other restrictions) one has to find a $k$-edge-colorable subgraph with maximum number of edges. In particular, for every even $k \ge 4$ we obtain a $\frac{2k+2}{3k+2}$-approximation and for every odd $k\ge 5$ we get a $\frac{2k+1}{3k}$-approximation. When $4\le k \le 13$ this improves over earlier algorithms due to Feige et al. [APPROX'02]

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