Emergent Mind

Attribute-Efficient Evolvability of Linear Functions

Published Sep 16, 2013 in cs.LG and q-bio.PE


In a seminal paper, Valiant (2006) introduced a computational model for evolution to address the question of complexity that can arise through Darwinian mechanisms. Valiant views evolution as a restricted form of computational learning, where the goal is to evolve a hypothesis that is close to the ideal function. Feldman (2008) showed that (correlational) statistical query learning algorithms could be framed as evolutionary mechanisms in Valiant's model. P. Valiant (2012) considered evolvability of real-valued functions and also showed that weak-optimization algorithms that use weak-evaluation oracles could be converted to evolutionary mechanisms. In this work, we focus on the complexity of representations of evolutionary mechanisms. In general, the reductions of Feldman and P. Valiant may result in intermediate representations that are arbitrarily complex (polynomial-sized circuits). We argue that biological constraints often dictate that the representations have low complexity, such as constant depth and fan-in circuits. We give mechanisms for evolving sparse linear functions under a large class of smooth distributions. These evolutionary algorithms are attribute-efficient in the sense that the size of the representations and the number of generations required depend only on the sparsity of the target function and the accuracy parameter, but have no dependence on the total number of attributes.

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