Emergent Mind

Indexing by Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Ensemble Model

Published Sep 13, 2013 in cs.IR


The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, we present Indexing by Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDI), an automatic document indexing method. The probability distributions in LDI utilize those in Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a generative topic model that has been previously used in applications for document retrieval tasks. However, the ad hoc applications, or their variants with smoothing techniques as prompted by previous studies in LDA-based language modeling, result in unsatisfactory performance as the document representations do not accurately reflect concept space. To improve performance, we introduce a new definition of document probability vectors in the context of LDA and present a novel scheme for automatic document indexing based on LDA. Second, we propose an Ensemble Model (EnM) for document retrieval. The EnM combines basis indexing models by assigning different weights and attempts to uncover the optimal weights to maximize the Mean Average Precision (MAP). To solve the optimization problem, we propose an algorithm, EnM.B, which is derived based on the boosting method. The results of our computational experiments on benchmark data sets indicate that both the proposed approaches are viable options for document retrieval.

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